Halloween might not be the biggest or most important holiday of the year, but it’s still a fun time for the kids. They get to dress up and go out and get some of their favorite candy as a treat. However, as a co-parent, this holiday can present a few challenges. You don’t want to miss out on the costumes, smiles, and your children making memories. Bobby Dale Barina, Attorney At Law understands the importance of family and has a few suggestions for this spooky season.

Trick-or-Treat as a Family

While it may seem strange to have the family together, it can demonstrate to your children that you both love and support them, regardless of your marital status. If you decide to celebrate the night together as a family, hash out details with your ex ahead of time. Decide on what neighborhood you will trick-or-treat in, potentially getting opinions from your kids. If being together is too much, split the night, so you both get to enjoy your kid’s happiness.

Come Up With Other Events

Trick-or-treating is a Halloween staple, but there are other events you can attend around this time of year. If the kids are with dad on Halloween night, consider other events you can share with your children. Maybe there is a corn maze, hayride, or school party to attend. Regardless of what event you choose, it’s all about making long-lasting memories with your kids. If you cannot celebrate as a family on the same day, one suggestion is to swap photos with your ex and let them see the kid’s costumes!

Celebrate With Other Families

Another workaround for this season is turning Halloween into a group event. See what other parents are doing with their children. Maybe you can make plans to go trick-or-treating altogether, so it’s less awkward to extend an invite to your ex. Furthermore, your kids will enjoy getting to spend the day with both parents and their friends.

Celebrate Twice

If these other suggestions don’t work for you and your family, another potential option is to create new traditions surrounding Halloween and celebrate twice. Likely, your kids won’t oppose more candy- but you can also think outside of the box. Maybe you can set up an entertainment night, where the kids wear their costumes and watch Halloween movies to celebrate. Nobody says that the celebration is restricted to just October 31st.

Need Co-Parenting Assistance? Contact Bobby Dale Barina, Attorney At Law

If you are struggling with your co-parent and need assistance, don’t fear. Bobby Dale Barina is here to help you navigate the post-divorce process, including any parenting plans and necessary modifications.

If you need co-parenting or parenting plan modification assistance, call our office at (254) 323-5506 to schedule a consultation!