It’s the most beautiful time of the year for many families. However, the holiday season doesn’t always go as planned. If you recently experienced a divorce, your first holiday season may feel intimidating. You may feel as though you have lost all sense of a routine and feel stressed about the lack of normalcy in traditions. While it is valid to experience these emotions, know that there are ways to navigate this stressful time.

Bobby Dale Barina, Attorney At Law cares for their clients and wants them to have a positive experience after divorce. While you may feel lost without the presence of your old relationship dynamic, there are steps you can take to ensure you still have happy holidays.

Plan Early

While spontaneity is the spice of life, it is important to plan for the holidays. You don’t need to have an extreme schedule, but it is beneficial to contact friends and family early to organize your plans. If you have kids, you will likely be operating off of a parenting plan, leaving less guesswork for you and your ex-spouse. However, during your time without the kids, consider what you would like to do. By having this plan in place, you can go into the holidays knowing exactly what to expect.

Prioritize Caring For Yourself

While you plan to spend time with your loved ones, remember to schedule time for yourself as well. The holiday season is hectic enough as is, meaning that time to engage in self-care activities is a must. While many individuals may envision self-care as taking a bath or exercising, what you do to relax depends on your personality and hobbies. Maybe go to a coffee shop to read or play your favorite game. By taking this needed time for yourself, you will feel more relaxed and ready to take on other activities.

Leave Guilt Behind

Feelings of guilt are normal and valid after a divorce. If you have children, you may notice that these feelings are even more intense. However, feeling this way does not accomplish anything for the holidays. Try to leave your guilt behind and stay focused on your family. Your children will need your support and guidance during this time, so it is important to remain positive despite any other emotions that may occur.

Remember Patience

Having patience during the holidays after divorce is key. You will ultimately experience emotions surrounding the chaos and stress of this time, but employing patience can go a long way in improving your outlook. Understand that everyone in your family has to make adjustments and change how they approach this time of year. If something takes longer than usual, take a deep breath and know that this new routine will become easier as time progresses.

Value Flexibility

Along with remaining patient during times of stress, consider adopting a positive attitude towards flexibility. This is especially important if you have children with your ex-spouse. Sometimes celebrating the holiday with your children won’t be an option. Consider the possibility of scheduling holidays twice; that way, each of you gets to spend an adequate amount of time with your children.

Another potential issue you may run into is last-minute schedule changes. When these happen, return to the mindset that flexibility is a must for successful co-parenting. When you remain flexible, you can help ensure that your whole family has a cheerful holiday season.

Create Strong Support Systems

While you may have some alone time during the holidays, you don’t have to be completely isolated. Reach out to those that are important to you, such as family and friends. These people can play an important role in your holiday season, helping you create a strong support system. If you are having a hard time, let these individuals know, as they may be able to assist in the processing of emotions.

Bobby Dale Barina, Attorney At Law Can Help

If you are struggling with the holidays after your divorce, know that the team at Bobby Dale Barina, Attorney At Law is understanding and compassionate. We are here to help support you and navigate any issues that may arise regarding your divorce.

If you need assistance in the divorce process, call our office at (254) 323-5506 to schedule a consultation!